Ingrid Schön, Voluntary Social Service Year in Politics

Michel Tischer, Voluntary Social Service Year in Politics

Foto: Robert B. Fishman (2017)

Education and Encounters

[Translate to English:] Die Bildungsarbeit der Gedenkstätte wird von einem großen Team getragen: Freie Mitarbeiter_innen, abgeordnete Lehrkräfte, Freiwillige im FSJ Politik, pädagogische und wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter_innen der Gedenkstätte begleiten die Teilnehmenden als Guides und Teamende, konzipieren Führungen, Studientage, Seminare, Workshops und Begegnungen, erarbeiten Inhalte und Materialien, entwickeln neue Angebote und Projekte und sorgen für die Organisation des umfangreichen Bildungsangebots.



[Translate to English:] Kontaktieren Sie uns gerne mit allen Anliegen zu Fragen der Bildung und Begegnung unter


Informationen zu Terminanfragen für einen Besuch der Gedenkstätte mit einer Gruppe im Rahmen einer Führung oder eines Studientages finden Sie auf der Unterseite "Bildung und Begegnung ->Praktisches".

Katrin Unger, Deputy Director of the Memorial and Director of the Education and Encounters Department

Katrin Unger is responsible for the overall Education and Encounters programme, and she is the point of contact for partners interested in cooperative educational projects and those funded by third parties at the Memorial.

Tel. +49 (0) 5051– 4759-198

Guy Band, Educational Assistant

Guy Band is responsible, among other things, for the conceptual development of the guided tours for various groups and for further training for the guides and team members at the memorial. He can be contacted if you are interested in an internship in the Education and Encounter Department.

Tel. +49 (0) 5051 – 47 59-194

Visitor Services Freelancers and Seconded Teachers in Visitor Services

The educational programmes at the Memorial are supported by the freelancers and seconded teachers in Visitor Services as well as the volunteers and employees in the Education and Encounters department.

Monika Brockhaus, Research Assistant

Monika Brockhaus develops and oversees training courses for educators at the Memorial. She is also responsible for organising international encounters with a focus on Israel.

Tel. +49 (0) 5051– 4759-195

Marc Ellinghaus, Research Assistant

Marc Ellinghaus is responsible for public educational programmes aimed at visitors to the Memorial, such as open guided tours, as well as various digital activities and projects.

Tel. +49 (0) 5051– 4759-192

Lukas Engelmeier, Research Assistant

Lukas Engelmeier is a research assistant in the Education and Encounters department and on the ‘Competence against antiziganism’ project. He is responsible for educational work relating to the topics of antiziganism and the Sinti and Roma civil rights movement.

Tel. +49 (0) 5141 – 93355-42

Sarah Friedek, Research Assistant

Sarah Friedek is the point of contact for programmes for specific professional groups. She develops single- and multi-day formats designed to be accessible to professional groups especially from the army, police and judicial system. She is additionally responsible for developing educational programmes and a didactic concept for the M.B. 89 Learning Centre at the nearby Niedersachsen-Kaserne, which is currently in development.

Tel. +49 (0) 5051 - 4759-171

Katharina Hillmann, Scientific Trainee

Katharina Hillmann is a scientific volunteer and her tasks include in particular interdisciplinary collaboration on the project "A travelling exhibition following Design for All principles: The Bergen-Belsen crime scene". 

Tel. +49 (0)5051-4759-172

Raimund Lazar, Research Assistant

Raimund Lazar is the point of contact for educational programmes on the topic of antisemitism and discrimination in sports.

Tel. +49 (0) 5051– 4759-176

Nicola Schlichting, Research Assistant

Nicola Schlichting is responsible for the conceptual design of the memorial's multi-day programmes and is the point of contact for groups who would like to visit the memorial for more than one day.

Tel. +49 (0) 5051– 4759-196

Sabine Thubauville, Coordination and administration of education centre

Sabine Thubauville is responsible for the coordination and administration of the education centre. She is the point of contact for organizational questions regarding the various educational programmes offered by the Bergen-Belsen Memorial.

Tel. +49 (0) 5051– 4759-125

Thomas Schyndel, Event Management & Assistance

Thomas Schyndel organizes events for the education and encounters department. He also supports the head of department as an assistant.

Tel. +4950514759125

Daniel Tonn, Research Assistant

Daniel Tonn is currently on parental leave. Please send any enquiries by email to Daniel Tonn is the point of contact for multi-day programmes at the Memorial. He is also responsible for international encounters with a focus on East Central and Eastern Europe.

Tel. +49 (0) 5051– 4759-173

Charlotte Trottier, Research Assistant

Responsibilities:&nbsp;<span lang="EN-GB">Coordination and development of a programme for all, Coordinator responsible for the Study Days programme series, Implementation and coordination of training for freelance employees of the Bergen-Belsen Memorial, Coordination of statistical surveys, Point of contact for the Voluntary Social Year in politics</span>

Tel. +49 (0) 5051 47 59 191