Raimund Lazar



Tel. +49 (0) 5051– 4759-176


Raimund Lazar is a social scientist who has worked as a research assistant in the Education and Encounters department since 2020. His work at the Memorial started with the research project ‘Who against whom? Violence, exclusion and the stereotype of the “Jew” in football’, in the context of which he analysed preventive measures against antisemitism in football in Lower Saxony, amongst other issues. He is currently responsible for developing and carrying out educational programmes on the topic of antisemitism and discrimination in sports. Various educational formats are used to explore past and present forms of antisemitism and discrimination in sports. These programmes are directed at a variety of target groups involved in sports, as well as all other people interested in this topic.

  • Publications


    Stiftung niedersächsische Gedenkstätten und World Jewish Congress (Hg.): Handlungsempfehlungen zum Vorgehen gegen Antisemitismus im Fußball, Celle 2021. Online

    Lazar, Raimund: Gestaltung von Erinnerungsprojekten im Sport, in: Deutsche Sportjugend im DOSB (Hg.) Materialsammlung "Sport mit Courage", Frankfurt/Main 2022. Online